While we wait to flood the DL/DCA pages....the old Mine Train tunnel


Staff member
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/052607B/A/DL_Apr_06_Reala_11.jpg" />

This is how it looked a year ago. For the longest time that "lagoon" wasn't maintained. This is part of the last undeveloped (attraction wise) area of the park. Quiet, as it's off the trail to Frontierland from Fantasyland. There used to be a BBQ outdoor restaurant there (Big Thunder BBQ), but they combined it with the Mexican restaurant in Frontierland during the last Frontierland refurb. Now it's just a small zoo, and the shuttered Festival of Fools arena. You can see the unused arena from the train.

I'd say there is enough room there to put an E-ticket. Actually this is where they had planned to put Discovery Bay, one of the two major planned expansions of DL that never occurred (the other being Liberty Street).

http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/ ... 2/609.aspx
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