Well, in another thread I posted a nasty ISO800 flash shot I took on an empty-car run through Spaceship Earth, with an ultra-compact internal zoom slimline camera (ISO800 on 1/2.5" sensor NOT a good idea!). ; Without it, I had no chance at all to get the shot. ; There was some postulation as to what was on the wall behind the Woz (or the Gates or the Jobs...there seems to be no agreement which nerd it is!).
Here's the original:
I didn't think the little cam would yield enough resolution to read anything at all there...but surprisingly with a little noise cleaning, the headlines of all the articles for the most part can be read. ; Hopefully someone with a super DSLR and a superfast prime can grab a nice tight crop of the wall so we can read all the fine print and do some hidden mickey searching...but in the meantime, here's what I was able to get with a pocket cam:
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Here's the original:

I didn't think the little cam would yield enough resolution to read anything at all there...but surprisingly with a little noise cleaning, the headlines of all the articles for the most part can be read. ; Hopefully someone with a super DSLR and a superfast prime can grab a nice tight crop of the wall so we can read all the fine print and do some hidden mickey searching...but in the meantime, here's what I was able to get with a pocket cam:
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