What's on the wall behind Wozniak


Staff member
Well, in another thread I posted a nasty ISO800 flash shot I took on an empty-car run through Spaceship Earth, with an ultra-compact internal zoom slimline camera (ISO800 on 1/2.5" sensor NOT a good idea!). ; Without it, I had no chance at all to get the shot. ; There was some postulation as to what was on the wall behind the Woz (or the Gates or the Jobs...there seems to be no agreement which nerd it is!).

Here's the original:


I didn't think the little cam would yield enough resolution to read anything at all there...but surprisingly with a little noise cleaning, the headlines of all the articles for the most part can be read. ; Hopefully someone with a super DSLR and a superfast prime can grab a nice tight crop of the wall so we can read all the fine print and do some hidden mickey searching...but in the meantime, here's what I was able to get with a pocket cam:

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They're in there a few times. ; The poster on the wall, the album Rumors is on the shelf next to the stereo and LP player, and there's an 8-track of theirs up top. ; Guess one of the designers of that display was a fan!
"PolynesianMedic" said:
Wasn't everyone a fan of Fleetwood Mac at that time?

No, but I was and still am a fan of Don Martin and his work in Mad Magazine (see One Day in the Patent Office on the left).
Hey Poly, not ONLY a fan of Fleetwood Mac at that time. I'm still a fan of theirs now. Nice job Justin. I like the Popular Science flyer to the left of the bench light.
I like the 'coming soon: home video players' ad on the center far left.

We had one of those - sometime around 1977 or 78...the old analog counter, top-loading, spring-loaded press button, wired remote VHS units that cost something crazy like $1,200 or so...them's 1978 dollars!
ok i'm really going to date myself here, squarely in the old codgers club, still think fm's best work was when peter green was with the band, wore out the vinyl of "bare tree's," the cd makes regular rotation here in old guy land
Interesting...not a fan of the Buckingham/Nicks duo joining the fray, huh?

I've always been a partial fan of the Mac...I like some songs, don't like others. ; Too much radio play in the 80s so I got sick of them. ; At the same time, Buckingham is one of the most stunningly talented and creative guitarists I have ever seen, heard, or met in my life...he plays with a speed and accuracy that is mind-blowing, and mixes rock, blues, and classical and spanish guitar styles into his repetoire. ; Few guitarists can play with his speed and accuracy - his self-taught 5-finger banjo style abilities and pickless string actuation is quite unique in the rock/pop world.

It's pretty telling when you leave a band, and they have to hire 3 guitarists at the same time to replace you!
Justin, I have to tell ya. I have been a Stevie Nicks fan forever, not so much withe the band, but solo. She rocks.
it's not so much that i don't appreciate buckingham's world class guitar talent, as that i am a fan of the earlier more blues less pop fm
Can't argue with you there. ; Much the same is my feeling on the Doobie Brothers. ; Pre-McDonald, good...post McDonald, yeechk!