Let my daughter play around with it! She has recently shown an interest in taking pictures. ; We have played around taking shots of vinylmation and yesterday we went to Deep Cut Gardens to take some shots of the flowers there. [attachimg=1] [attachimg=2] This is the one she took that was her favorite (mine too!) Amanda's Flower by jbwolffiv, on Flickr Now I just hope she does not figure out that I don't know all that much about photography!!!
Thanks Paul! ; We are planning a day in the parks at the end of July/early August to just take pictures. ; She will probably have better shots than me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bring her to forsythe. take pics and dodge green heads and mosquitoes at the same time. good times for all
She's good. My niece, who is almost 11, asked me to bring my old camera to the family picnic last week. She had never used a camera before, especially an SLR. I taught her a little, and she began to pick up the Rule of Thirds and Filling the Frame before anything else. I should have enabled all the focus points on the camera, though, because Focus and Recompose was a little too much to throw on a beginner, and a bunch of the pics are out of focus and have wrong exposure. Still, I think she shows promise.
That flower shot is awesome! ; My son enjoys taking pics with the old point and shoot that we have, and if he continues to show interest, when I get my new camera, he can have my old one. ; We are going to be working on his Cub Scout Photography badge this year, so it will be interesting to see how he enjoys it.
She took the camera out for about 15 minutes yesterday and came back with some nice shots. ; I now need to slowly begin explaining some basic exposure info.
That is great that she is working on learning this stuff. ; When we are younger, we are all more of a sponge and this stuff sticks a lot better.