What themes do you photograph?


Watched Art Wolfe's first creativeLIVE webinar today. ; Art talked about how he always has a collection/project/theme he is working on which helps to keep him inspired and avoid photographer block. ; He went on to say he usually has a few of these going at one time. ; Most of the time they end up as books. ; He gave three examples: Dogs in Cultures around the World, Hair and Vanishing Animals (how animals hide in plain site using evolved camouflage and behaviors). ; The last one is a book.

Of course, most of us have a collection of Disney photographs. ; I would guess Michael (mSummers) has a vast collection of train photos. ; Justin (zackiedawg) has his Florida wetland wildlife collection and possibly sub-collections within that. Me, well, I will have to look my photo library over to see if any themes pop out. ;

I never thought of doing something like keeping a list of projects or themes because Art said if you are looking for something, you will find it. ; I know when I do go and look for certain things, I do tend to find them. ; When I go out shooting without anything in mind, sometimes I don't find much and might take photos to justify being out with a camera. ; Usually those are not much good and end up in the electronic trash can.

Do you have any collections or themes you are always on the lookout for whether at a Disney themepark or walking around your home or town?
I never really though about it in that way, but I do have a couple of themes that I have been shooting.

1. ; Steam Trains
2. ; Williamsburg
; ; a. ; Christmas Decorations
; ; b. ; Building Interiors
; ; c. ; Colonial Trades
3. ; Flowers (recently started)
While Roger is meditating I'd like to say the lists so far are great. ; I was wondering though if you had any universal themes. ; Looking at what's been posted so far, I'd say the steam trains, flowers, abandoned buildings/cars, street performers and the night sky would be universal concepts most people are familiar with.

Some themes I have gravitated towards is motion in photos (panning, long exposures), hockey, wildlife/nature, family and travel. ; Of these motion is the most universal theme with wildlife/nature a close second. Family and travel are very broad concepts. ; Will look at them to see if there's any underlying themes.
I have also heard that it's a good idea to have themes. ; Keeps you focused. ; I keep thinking I need to start especially between trips to the world. ; A couple I have tossed around are;

1. ; Old rundown barns - ; we have quite a few in our area and I always thought they would be great for B&W since almost all of them are devoid of color.
2. ; County landmarks off the beaten path. ; I'm sure this one has been beaten to death by area photographers yet it seems like a good idea.

I have also heard that when you visit the world it's not a bad idea to have a general theme like a particular color, shape etc. ; I tried shooting trash cans one year. ; Was interesting.
whatever i see , wherever i am, not trying to be sarcastic or flippant here, that's just pretty much what interests me, yeah i do the dis, above all else, but many other things in this really interesting world i inhabit. and of course my beloved bluegrass music