what is your favourite souvenir to buy at WDW?

Figured I'd get people's input.... make for interesting reading.

Besides the 3d image of our photos etched into a crystal ; paperweight (I think I'd mentioned that in a previous post) that we got from Epcot, my favourite souvenir is likely pins - or the photo we get at Chef Mickey's each trip. ; We have several frames hung on my office wall with pictures of our family on each trip - can see the changes in the wee ones over time.

I like the classic metal Mickey Mouse keychains ... a taste of the mouse everywhere I go. ; ;) My DDs have to get a small plush everytime they go ... their rooms are zoos ... literally. When they were younger, I picked up the Mickey Mouse Mr. Potato Head pieces, and the My Little Pony princess/Minnie collection pieces. Those were good because they still play with them on occasion.

I also always splurge on a WDW photoalbum for the pics for that trip. They're the greatest souvenirs (the pics I mean!). ; :)
My favourite souvenier never left Epcot!

We had the kids photo taken for the legacy walls (those monolithic marble stones enar the entrance). ; It still can bring a little tear to my eye thinking that my kids can someday show it to their kids when they go to WDW (and I'm long gone ; :-[ ).

Beyond that... I a souvenier hog! ; I love it all. ; Socks, kitchenware, pens, figurines. ;

This explains why my luggage weighs a lot more on the return trips!!!
"Sheila Gallant-Halloran" said:
MLP Minnie - wish I'd come across that! ; I have a huge box of MLP that DD2 is now inheriting - she LOVES Minnie too. ; Did you get that at WDW?

They were little outfits for the ponies - the same set-up as the pack-your-own potato head. You could choose among princess costumes (skirts & capes), slippers and hats/headbands for the ponies. Among the choices was a red polka dot skirt and Mickey ears with a bow to make a Minnie. They also had giant teacups that the pony could sit in to pretend they were on the ride. We already had ponies at the time, so I stuffed the box with 2 teacups and every costume I could fit. They ended up with 2-3 of each set of clothes ... so they can have a royal parade with all their ponies! ; :D

That was 3 years ago at the Toy store at Downtown Disney, and I think it was around $15 at the time, but we had gift cards from a timeshare burning in our pockets. ; ;D

I assume they still have the build-your-own boxes, but not sure what's available. They may have a packaged box with one pony and one outfit but I'm not sure.
I'm fighting the power and posting my favorite Disneyland souveniers! ^_^

Actually, now that I think about it, what are they? I find that in a lot of ways, it's the little stuff... all the napkins, ticket stubs, fortunes and things that I've saved and put in my scrapbook. Those end up bringing back the most memories. So in that case, I guess my park tickets, my nametag and gold pin from my "Walk in Walt's Footsteps" tour, the ticket from my ride in the DLRR Lilly Belle VIP car, my Shrunken Ned and Esmeralda fortune cards, napkin from the Disney Soda Shop in the El Capitan Theater, and my admission sticker from the Carolwood Pacific Historical Society in Griffith Park.

Of things I actually bought, well, the attraction poster for the Mark Twain Riverboat is right up there. I also like my 40th anniversary Enchanted Tiki Room mug and postcard set by Shag. I also got all three of the Hitchhiking Ghost action figures from the outlet store in Fullerton. And, of course, the 50th anniversary golden Mickey ears and logo pin. And to compliment that, I also picked up the 15th anniversary Mickey ears and logo pin from Disneyland Paris when I was there. I'm hoping that when I hit Tokyo Disney in November that there is still the 25th anniversary merchandise floating around ^_^
Possibly going in September, and being quite young (teen), I need to start saving the dough for some souvenirs.
What is the largest amount of money you've ever spent in the Stores?
I'm thinking of having about $700 to spend. ; Could that be enough?
It is the PINS that break me. ; Each family member loves buying and trading PINS. ; I have to admit, it is a pretty fun thing to do.
"Taylorthepixie" said:
Possibly going in September, and being quite young (teen), I need to start saving the dough for some souvenirs.
What is the largest amount of money you've ever spent in the Stores?
I'm thinking of having about $700 to spend. ; Could that be enough?

Its good to hear of someone your age doing some planning for an up coming vacation. ;Regarding how much money you can spend while there is tough question. ;Lets say you can spend a little (which is not easy) or you can spend alot (easy). ;On average a t-shirt will run ya $20-$30 OR HOODY $40-$60. ;Pins $10 each. ;Stuffed characters $12-$30. ; The prices of items are the same thoughout WDW (parks to hotels).
If you save up $700, you should have more than enough money to buy what ever you want. ;My DD(14) likes to buy stuff for her room like statues and art work that she will be able to hold on to for a long time. ;Each item represents a family vacation for her and holds many memories.
Good luck with your saving!
"obo101" said:
It is the PINS that break me. ; Each family member loves buying and trading PINS. ; I have to admit, it is a pretty fun thing to do.

We like to buy cheap pins on ebay and let the girls trade for the ones they really want. ; A great way to save alot of money on pins..
Ahhhh ; great minds thank alike!!!! ; or were just trying to save some dough to pay for our DVC new years greeting card......
"realfam" said:
"Taylorthepixie" said:
Possibly going in September, and being quite young (teen), I need to start saving the dough for some souvenirs.
What is the largest amount of money you've ever spent in the Stores?
I'm thinking of having about $700 to spend. ; Could that be enough?

Its good to hear of someone your age doing some planning for an up coming vacation. ;Regarding how much money you can spend while there is tough question. ;Lets say you can spend a little (which is not easy) or you can spend alot (easy). ;On average a t-shirt will run ya $20-$30 OR HOODY $40-$60. ;Pins $10 each. ;Stuffed characters $12-$30. ; The prices of items are the same thoughout WDW (parks to hotels).
If you save up $700, you should have more than enough money to buy what ever you want. ;My DD(14) likes to buy stuff for her room like statues and art work that she will be able to hold on to for a long time. ;Each item represents a family vacation for her and holds many memories.
Good luck with your saving!

Thank you so much!
It's a sort of graduation present trip for me. ; I get to help majorly plan it as well.
I was in Disney September 2008. ; When I went to MK, it poured buckets. ; That meant that everyone pretty well left. ; Good for me, of course. ; We got to ride the Thunder Mountain train or whatever (brain fart - forgot the name) 3 times in a row, nonstop. ; Although, it was flippin' freezing when we went into Pirates.
This trip is going to be amazing!
"Taylorthepixie" said:
Possibly going in September, and being quite young (teen), I need to start saving the dough for some souvenirs.
What is the largest amount of money you've ever spent in the Stores?
I'm thinking of having about $700 to spend. ; Could that be enough?

Will you have access to a car? ; If so, you might want to check out the Disney Outlets at the two Malls. ; Sometimes you can find some great deals on souvies before you buy at the parks!
if you book a deluxe hotel under new special, get $750 USD gift card - that'll help with souvenirs!

as for ordering pins online - be careful. ; We got caught once - ordered a bunch on ebay for trading. ; Thought we were buying "official" Disney pins - guy assured us they were, pins attached to Disney tags with WDW logo, Disney price tags on them - but no Disney stamp embossed on pin on back. ; If that's not on them, they're not Disney pins - had a Disney CM not trade with my wee one for that reason, and learned a tough lesson. Knock offs and rip offs abound - buyer beware.