What I Did on My Summer Vacation


Dear TMIP Classmates,

While I've posted much of it in the non-Disney and Letting Your Hair down boards here, I've posted some in my personal and AllEars blogs, too.

The last six entries in my 52 Views of 2008 Photoblog and the following AllEars Picture This! blog entry about the MagicMeets Hersheypark Fahrenheit Experience pretty much cover it. Ended up logging 1,244 over the road mileage and some 3,500 shutter presses over 8 days.

I believe these "reports" will give you an accurate idea of what I encountered. I hope your summer vacations went just as well.



Psst...I think I deserve an "A", don't you? ;)
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she is doing great Scott. Thanx for asking. I have lost 15lbs in 3 months from walking her. She is like a kid on a sugar high. tons of energy. She got an extreme makeover last week

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The dog is looking great! I'm glad she's keeping you busy with all that walking :)
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"HW" said:
she is doing great Scott. Thanx for asking. I have lost 15lbs in 3 months from walking her. She is like a kid on a sugar high. tons of energy. She got an extreme makeover last week

I like her new look :) She'll help to keep you young, my man! BTW, added some of that info about why egrets stand on one foot just now. However, I don't think that bird was hunting. Take care!
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thanx Ray. Yea Scott they do alot of one legged standing when out of the water so I imagine it is more for heat loss then hunting. It seems to be more of a snowy egret thing rather than a great egret as I always see great egrets wading in shallow water and never on one leg and the great egrets do alot of scrapping the mud to stir things up
Would like to thank everyone for viewing my photoblogs over the last few days. I really appreciate it! More to come!!
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