Welcome to the TMIP forums, jeff_zoccoli.


Staff member
Please welcome jeff_zoccoli to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.

Please reply to this message and tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
:) Hello Everyone. As a photographer who spent sometime in August 2008 in the Disney parks, I would like to share some photographs of my vacation here. You can also see more on http://jeffzoccoli.com (new ones are being added daily). Thanks again, great website!
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welcome, jeff. i was in sussex county today- father-in-law and most of my wife's family is in newton, columbia, and andover. helluva ride to get there but it is nice to see some land that isn't totally flat for a change.
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Thanks for the warm welcome. I was wondering how well-recieved a concert photographer would be on a Disney / Magic Kingdom site... lol I feel a lot better!!!

RUSH... I have shot for them several times.... BIG RUSH FAN!!! let me know if you have any RUSH related questions...

Tim... Next time you are in Newton or Sussex County, please give me a shout! It would be great to meet you!
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sounds good, jeff. few months, prolly.
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"jeff_zoccoli" said:
Thanks for the warm welcome. I was wondering how well-recieved a concert photographer would be on a Disney / Magic Kingdom site... lol I feel a lot better!!!

RUSH... I have shot for them several times.... BIG RUSH FAN!!! let me know if you have any RUSH related questions...

Rush photo pass... I am SO jealous! 8)
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"gary" said:
all fans need to read

motorcycle with drum

pretty good read

All of Mr. Peart's works, really. He's a wonderful writer of books in addition to the lyrics.
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very good way with words, it could not have been easy to write so movingly about his considerable family tragedies
"gary" said:
very good way with words, it could not have been easy to write so movingly about his considerable family tragedies

Very true - even more so, given that he's such a private person, in addition to having suffered so much pain.