Welcome PGFamily

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Welcome to the boards PGFamily! ; It is nice to have you stop by. ; Feel free to answer the questions below so the rest of us can get to know you a bit better.

1. What's your first name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What Province do you live in?
4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
5. Age (or age range)?
6. Marital status?
7. Occupation?
8. Favorite food?
9. What vehicle do you have?
10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
14. How long have you been a Disney addict? ;
Welcome PGFamily!!!!

Thanks! ; Sorry for the delay in responding. ; We are off to SSR in 8 days and counting! ; There are 8 of us going (our 5, 2 grandparents and a friend) - should be lots of fun! ; I have vowed not to have my spreadsheet get in the way of being spontaneous (although that's always difficult)... ; We're hoping to attempt the lines and try Fantasmic! this year - our first time. ; Also our first time at SSR; we stayed at the Beach Club a couple of years ago (our last trip) which will be hard to top.
Better late than never ...

Most of us are heading down the same time as you ... we have a post under general chat if your interested in seeing who else from DM is coming down :)
You will love Fantasmic! ; The earlier you can get there, the better, but I think the seating is great pretty much anywhere. ;