Welcome issac_brock


Welcome to the boards issac_brock. ; So glad you could stop by. ; If you have a few minutes, the other members would love to get to know you a little bit better.

1. What's your first name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. What Province do you live in?
4. How did you find the DisneyMagic.ca forums?
5. Age (or age range)?
6. Marital status?
7. Occupation?
8. Favorite food?
9. What vehicle do you have?
10. Which WDW park is your favorite?
11. Who is your favorite character in a WDW attraction?
12. How often do you take a trip to WDW?
13. Explain your user name/how you came up with it.
14. How long have you been a Disney addict?
My replies:
1. Colin
2. No nickname anymore, long time ago in a school far far away...
3. Ontario
4. Google Search
5. 41
6. Married
7. Customer Support Specialist, Office Products.
8. Pizza
9. Hyundai Tuscon
10. Magic Kingdom
11. Too tough to call this one...
12. At least once a year
13. Issac Brock, British General who died defending Canada from the US invasion in 1812.
14. Since 1976, my first visit.