Thank you for the welcome. ; I think this site is wonderful and is long overdue in Canada! I am a travel agent who personally has a love of everything Disney! ; Even my wedding ring is Mickey Mouse. ; We have recently moved and my husband and I are remodelling a house ourselves "in our free time". ; That's pretty much my life in a few short sentences! ; ;D
Good luck with the remodel! We have recently decided to paint.....I thought that was a big task LOL>!
*grin* ; We had remodelling plans... turned out moving was easier *laugh* Good luck with the remodel Oooh... got any pics of your Mickey wedding ring? ; That sounds interesting...
I was going to ask the same thing. So as a travel agent, do you plan many trips to Disney? ; I was reading around some sites today where travel agents can take a course (Disney college of knowledge) and be 'Disney specialists'. ; Did you have to do anything like that? ; Oh and I would love to ask, do you get to travel a lot being a travel agent? ; I was just wondering if you get to go 'test' places out before you plan for everyone. ; I have always wanted to know that.