We Need More Wildlife In Here! Florida action


Staff member
I post the occasional bird thread, and other assorted wildlife, but there aren't very many birders and wildlife shooters in here. And since it's been months since I posted a thread with some, I guess it's up to me to keep the ball rolling! So, here are some of my bird and wildlife shots taken over the past few months with my lightweight rig, Sony A6000 mirrorless, with FE70-200mm F4 G OSS lens, out in the Florida wetlands:

Momma raccoon climbing a tree to get at some berries:

Biiiiiiig alligator, crossing the levee (why? To get to the other side, of course!):

Wood stork bringing sticks back to the nest - hitting the air brakes to slow down:

Green iguana, up close:

Cattle egret, keeping an eye on me as he flies in:

Great blue heron sitting on its nesting spot:

Trio of turtles, climbing a palm tree for a dry spot to rest:

Big great egret, full wing spread in flight:

OK...what's with all the huge alligators crossing levees? This time, an Egyptian goose follows behind the behemoth, voicing its displeasure:

Cattle egret, coming in low over the water, back to its nest with some new nest materials:

Comments, questions, critique all welcome as always!
What Jeff said, they are great! If you see an raccoon in a tree during the day in NJ, call animal control as that thing is sick!
Thank you both.

John - our raccoons are definitely more bold and are very commonly out in daylight. I have a few in my backyard that come out at 4pm while I'm in the pool, and lay upside down on their back right on my deck 20 feet away and eat sunflower seeds under the bird feeder, occasionally glancing over at me with a contented look. Out in the wetlands, you usually see them up in trees, or crossing the boardwalk, with people just a few feet away - they practically ignore your presence and just go about their business.
any racoon in ny out in the daytime is automatically suspect and usually put down without second thought, they almost all have rabies, in fact here in my woodlot, we just shoot them on sight since they usually are aggressive, and heavily into raiding chicken coops, and will come right at you or your dogs, and a 35 lb raccoon is a fierce piece of danger if rabid
Here's the one in my backyard - she's been around for about 3 years now - a real regular...and very VERY comfortable hanging out in the yard around people:

Having a drink from the pool...while I'm IN the pool:

One at the beach, eating someone's leftover sandwich:

Mom taking the kids out for a walk in the middle of the afternoon:

I guess if they were in Gary's town - they'd all be goners - I suppose they'd learn NOT to come outside in the daytime. Around here, you see dozens of them out in the daytime, and they're quite tame and friendly. Many people feed them by hand at the beach and parks...just like squirrels!
Its not that we hate them its that most have rabies and can be quite aggressive and run at people