Just found a very cool iPad app that lets you adjust the aperture of any photo selectively. ; This was my first attempt and I think I am going to like it. The Original... Adjusted with "Big Lens"
I'm not sure what it is I'm seeing. Does this let you brush in the blur/darkening area, or is something else going on I'm missing? Erich
It lets you adjust the aperture setting from f1.8 to f8 (and the intensity), apply some filters and even an hdr adjustment. ; The other app that i have yet to try is a time lapse tilt shift video recorder.
It has a similar engine to the ColorSplash app where you paint in what you want to keep in focus, and then can adjust everything else. ; So yes, essentially it is just a blur tool with presets.
It looks like a Gaussian blur tool. ; One of those 'fun' apps for iPad users I suppose. ; Of course, anyone with PSP, PS, etc already has a Gaussian tool and can pretty simply apply the effect - as mentioned, just 'paint' or select the area to remain in focus (via layers or mask) and apply Gaussian. It's fun too to use motion blur tools the same way. ; With DSLRs the control over shallow depth of field means you can do this in camera more easily, but I definitely found these useful back when I was using my P&S cameras.