I was just curious as to whether you prefer Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach and why? ; I have only ever been to Typhoon Lagoon. ; The first time we went it was FREEZING!!! ; The employees all had heavy jackets on and heaters going in the shops. ; It was like 15 celcius out. ; I was pretty chilly, but still had a ton of fun. ; I tried snorkling with the sharks, but my mask kept filling up with water. ; Not the best experience for me. ; The second time we went it was much warmer, and a lot more people, but it was still fun. ; Didn't do many of the 'rides' other than the wave pool and lazy river though. ; And didn't attempt to swim with the sharks again either.
But I was just wondering if I was missing anything by not going to Blizzard Beach. ; It always seems soooo busy.
But I was just wondering if I was missing anything by not going to Blizzard Beach. ; It always seems soooo busy.