This picture is blurry because I rushed and there was a ton of people, and I was one of those idiots that just stops walking with no warning in the middle of the walkway. I have seen this setup many times with the Christmas tree, but I have never noticed this angle. Has anyone else done this or seen it before. Dina says it looks like Walt is casting a spell. [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
You'd need a 600/800/900 to that Craig. But that's all. If there is one item that Canon hasn't caught up with yet it has to be the CLS. Example of pop-up flash firing the SB-800 remotely.
Excellent idea, I've never thought of it. Although I have done the Christmas tree shot before. To me, this looks like the same idea, except he's picking up Astro Orbiter! Just out of curiosity, why would you use a remote flash? To get the light on the front of Walt?
yes, I was standing pretty far away to get the angle just right. And I would want a nice light on his front instead of really weak flash from his side.