Walking through a Cemetery


Last Friday, October 5, I had the distinct pleasure of taking fellow TMIPer, Gary, to Oakwood Cemetery here in Syracuse. Picked him up bright and early to catch the morning light. Thought it would be a fitting location being October and all. Not that the weather felt like it. It's been in the mid-80's for a week now.

Well, wasn't looking to do any wildlife photography. This doe was curious about us after arriving. She walked towards us before some early morning dogwalkers scared her off. We figured people must feed her to be so brave. This was taken with my 18-200VR lens at 200mm (300mm 35mm equivalent focal length).


This reminded me of the cemetary scene in the Haunted Mansion.


Gary pointed out the figure on this civil war statue amongst the Civil War burials, is the same figure seen on many monuments in the US.


You know, some people wanted to make a statment even in death. ::)


But then, some don't need to be so blatant.

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Re: Walking through a Cemetary

Here's Gary lining up a shot of an old family marker.


There are some very large and very old stone structures in Oakwood but I didn't expect to find a pyramid.


Another angle. In a few decades, the plants will break this structure apart. Nature will eventually reclaim the people within.


Gary and I became curious as to the meaning of the top of this monument. We saw it on many tombstones and family markers. It's a closed vase or urn with a cloth draped over it.


These markers were unique in that they had names and Bible sayings but no dates or years engraved on them.

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Re: Walking through a Cemetary

Being that Oakwood Cemetery is right next to Syracuse University. I showed Gary around campus.

Hendricks Chapel on the SU quad with other heavenly bodies enjoying the sunshine and warm temperatures.


The Carrier Dome was open as they were still trying to sell tickets for the SU vs. West Virgina game on Saturday. I think most people knew that was a waste of money as SU got trounced 55 to 14.

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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Nice shots. I would not have thought a cemetery to be a photo spot.

Oh, cemeteries are neat places to photograph. Even young ones will have beautiful stone work, flags and flowers. Going early in the morning or towards evening will give you neat shadows and good lighting.
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past glory, of when the kings of gondor were mighty indeed
oakwood cemetery, taken during last friday's syracuse photo tour with fellow t-mip scott, neat old cemetery right next to syracuse university, some of the old mausoleums reminded me of some of the lord of the rings scenes
unfortunately due to having to leave in 2 days for a family member's wedding in baltimore i'll not be able to post more until after 10/19 when i return, i've got a few from the carrier dome inside that have so much orange they have a velvia oversaturation look before any processing

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Makes you wonder when the dwarfs will break out, doesn't it? Have a safe trip and look forward to more of your photos from our wanderings. Hope the orange didn't blind ya!!! ;D
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