Last Friday, October 5, I had the distinct pleasure of taking fellow TMIPer, Gary, to Oakwood Cemetery here in Syracuse. Picked him up bright and early to catch the morning light. Thought it would be a fitting location being October and all. Not that the weather felt like it. It's been in the mid-80's for a week now.
Well, wasn't looking to do any wildlife photography. This doe was curious about us after arriving. She walked towards us before some early morning dogwalkers scared her off. We figured people must feed her to be so brave. This was taken with my 18-200VR lens at 200mm (300mm 35mm equivalent focal length).
This reminded me of the cemetary scene in the Haunted Mansion.
Gary pointed out the figure on this civil war statue amongst the Civil War burials, is the same figure seen on many monuments in the US.
You know, some people wanted to make a statment even in death. :
But then, some don't need to be so blatant.
Well, wasn't looking to do any wildlife photography. This doe was curious about us after arriving. She walked towards us before some early morning dogwalkers scared her off. We figured people must feed her to be so brave. This was taken with my 18-200VR lens at 200mm (300mm 35mm equivalent focal length).

This reminded me of the cemetary scene in the Haunted Mansion.

Gary pointed out the figure on this civil war statue amongst the Civil War burials, is the same figure seen on many monuments in the US.

You know, some people wanted to make a statment even in death. :

But then, some don't need to be so blatant.

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