Universe of Energy (playing with WA)


Staff member
22mm equiv

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/032508/C/226e3875_10.jpg" />

I noticed that my new watermarking plug-in doesn't strip the EXIF. And my shutter speed isn't a fraction in a billionth of a second.
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I have always wondered about this and since you mentioned it I will ask it here. Why is it such a problem that the EXIF data is listed? I think it is nice to be able to see the settings used for these shots. It would seem a good way for the lesser knowledgeable ones to learn. Thanks for filling me in on this one.
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I want the EXIF data to be there, because it's easier sometimes for me at least to check the settings myself without having to ask. And with the Firefox plug-ins you can cut and paste as well.

My gallery software will show the basic EXIF fields, but for some reason either the 30D or ACDSee was doing something odd to the shutter speeds. With A2 and the new watermarking software, my EXIF isn't being stripped like it was during my former one for the Mac. Which makes me happy.

PS's save to web strips the EXIF if I remember correctly. I know PSE does.
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I too always try to leave my exif intact. I have acdsee set to default to leave the exif and metadata intact. I like looking at exif, so I leave mine too.
&quot;Roger&quot; said:
PS's save to web strips the EXIF if I remember correctly. I know PSE does.

yes it does. it's part of the size reduction algorithm.
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