Unedited quick snaps from tonight at MK!


Staff member
I don't have any post-processing program on my netbook with me, so all I can do is upload photos and post the crudely resized JPG...but wanted to share a few snaps from MK this evening - was there all day today, and the weather's been amazing. ; Yesterday was cool, perfect clear blue skies, sun all day, crisp clear cold night. Today the cool continued, and it was sunny, with some cool clouds moving in around sunset to give some awesome sunset colors and textures...the night has been cool and clear again. ; I took these handheld this evening with my DSLR. ; They'll look better when I can touch them up a bit, and resize them with a proper program!!


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I love the clouds around the ; castles. ; Great shots. ; I hope the cooler weather sticks around at the end of the month when I get back down there.

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Thanks Jeff - indeed the cool weather just makes it so much more tolerable for walking around all day! ; I still have been starting late each morning so I can stay through sunset and night - we've usually been heading into the parks around noon - by the time you get through the busses or boats into the park, that puts us there around 1-1:30pm - 4 good hours of daylight, and then plenty of dusk and night shooting. ; Relaxing this morning and walking over to Epcot around noonish. ; Dinner tonight at San Angel in Mexico at 8pm - should let us out right around Illuminations...I may try that Odyssey path idea if I get out in time.
Thank you Erich. ; I hope to not do much touch up - but I'd probably crop them a bit tighter - certainly get rid of the crane in the first one...and just the ability to be able to run a touch of sharpening after resizing would be nice...or a touch of noise reduction on some (I was handheld, so I was shooting as high as ISO6400...so the skies may have a bit more noise than I'd prefer for the final result).

This morning, the skies are again blue and clear, and the weather's a nice cool mid-60s - high today expected to be around 72.
Nice stuff Justin! ; I love the third one of the new entrance to Fantasyland, very cool. ; I wish it was going to be 72 here today, it is only expected to get up to 29.
29... Must be nice. ; We are in the teens in the Midwest (add in wind chill and we are at -8 ).

Can't wait to see more pics and get ideas for my shots next month.

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Thank you John and Jeff. ; You guys are comparing cold temps - but I'm still jealous...when I get home, it'll be 80-something again, and likely for the foreseeable future. ; Nights only make it down to the 70 degree mark, so you have to keep running the AC to sleep at night (house stays about 10 degrees above the outside down here). ; I think my AC has been turned off 2 weeks total since Jan 1, 2012.

Even this cool snap we're having up here at Disney isn't happening down my way - cold fronts often stall out around Lake Okeechobee and don't make it south. ; I'm sure this sounds tempting to all of you up north, but live in it for 20-30 years, and you do start to miss winters a bit!
Dolphin shot is solid. ; I love it when, despite my best digital darkroom efforts, I end up conceding to the original exposure. ; All these are 99.9% there.