Re: Too cool not to share...
Ansel Adams.. yeah... ; His work irritates me.
Believe me, I know the sort of reaction I'm inviting saying that, and my reaction is doubly odd when you consider my obsession with sharpness and detail.
But his pictures are too sharp. ; I once tried to express the uneasiness I felt when looking at his pictures to a photography teacher and she apparently understood. ; That kind of sharpness is unnatural, and at least for me my brain doesn't react well to seeing things in that way. ; I didn't really understand it though, she explained it to me like that and I guess it made sense. ; All I knew was that the more of his pictures I looked at, the less I wanted to look at them.
I've actually been wanting an excuse to say this. ; I kind of feel like I'm living a lie, posting here among other photographers that presumably did not feel the same way. ; It's like... ; Forgive me Daguerre, for I have sinned, I do not find the work of Ansel Adams pleasant to look upon.