Tokyo Parks


Been a while since I've posted to the boards, life get sin the way and all.

But exciting news, I leave next week for Japan! ; It's a 2 week tour of the country, ending of course with 3 days at the Tokyo Disney Resort!

Anyone been there before? ; Got any tips? ; Anything I must do when I get there?

I'm so excited!
Wow Kevings, really hope that you have a fantastic time. ; I hope you will share your Tokoyo Disney experience with us. ; Lucky duck!
Kevings ... Oh man i wish i could be you :) - Don't forgot to give us a trip report when you get back!
Hmmm not sure if you're still here or not. ; I just went to tokyo Disney in March.

Sounds like you're staying for long enough at the resort to see everything but if you are short on time i would highly recommend that you allot more time to the Disney sea. ; We spent more time in disneyland and it was so similar to Disney in california that it was almost boring but Disney Sea is like nothing we've ever experienced!! ; it was just simply amazing. ; I wish we had reversed our times and spent the day in disney sea. ; the only problem I had with Tokyo disney is that you cannot buy passes for both parks (ie. moving back and forth between parks) unless you stay for longer than 2 days. ; I believe that a 3 day pass will allow you passage between both parks.

Have a great time!! ; it was such a neat experience. ; if you have more questions send me a message!!
I'm leaving in the morning. ; So excited. ; We're actually going to DisneySea on the first night in Japan. ; That wasn't originally our plan, but 2 attractions are going down for rehab on August 31 and we really want to sea 20,000 Leagues before it closes. I think when we return to the resort we're spending Day 1 at Disneyland, Day 2 at DisneySea, and Day 3 is a hopping day. ; I'll let everyone know how it goes upon my return.