Tips while visiting Disney


Post your tips for vacationing at Disney here.

Plan ahead and bring your own suncreen, hats, film & batteries. ; Things are much more expensive in the parks.

If you are looking to save money, pack your own snacks, lunches, drinks, etc. ; Not only will you save money, but while you are waiting in line ups, you can always eat while you wait.
Rain ponchos are also seriously over-priced in the parks... hit a Wal-Mart or Zellers before you head down for rain-gear. ; And definitely get rain gear.... on rainy days the lines for rides are much shorter... even the ones where the ride is inside (isn't that most of them? ;) )

Consider how much you're likely to spend on meals... depending on your eating habits, you can save a lot by spending a little more for 'concierge' accommodations (at least you can at the deluxe resorts). ; The concierge level rooms generally include breakfast fixin's and snacky foods available at various times throughout the day. ; On our last trip, I think we only bought 2 meals other than dinners thanks to the food available at the concierge 'buffet'.
Bring comfortable clothes and shoes. The amount of time spent walking around the parks, your feet will thank you!

Take advantage of the photopass. Even if you don't end up purchasing the pictures, at least you have the chance!
Least Crowded Periods
First week of January through week before President’s Week
Last week of August through first week of October
Week after Thanksgiving through week before Christmas

Most Crowded Periods
President’s Week
Spring Break Week
Easter Week
June, July and first three weeks of August
Christmas Week

All other periods fall under average attendance for Disney Parks
Be prepared to pass through security when entering any Disney Park. The fastest entry will be for those with no bags, all others will be required to stop at a security checkpoint and have their bags checked before entry. If you are prepared with your bags open (and removed from strollers), you will find entering the parks easier and quicker.
Package Pickup
This is a very convenient service offered at every Disney Park. All of your purchases can be forwarded to the park exit or to your Disney resort. This enables you to shop without being concerned about carrying your packages with you throughout the park
Most of the on-site resorts are also equipped to help you ship those "oops, I thought it would fit in the case, but it doesn't" items home. ; We had to avail ourselves of that particular service on our last trip ; (geez, the poster would have fit in the case, how were we supposed to know that they'd use a tube so much bigger?? ; ;) ; )
If you are staying on site and have concierge service, take advantage of it and have them make dinner reservations for you. Sometimes they will be able to get you in even if it is fully booked.
"weemcp" said:
If you are staying on site and have concierge service, take advantage of it and have them make dinner reservations for you. Sometimes they will be able to get you in even if it is fully booked.

TRUE!! ; This was a godsend for us when we went on our honeymoon and didn't realize that so many of the 'nicer' restaurants book up so quickly with some people making reservations before they even leave home... 10 minutes with the concierge and we were set for the whole week! ; They can even make dinner bookings at places in Downtown Disney (at least, Planet Hollywood... we didn't eat anywhere else Downtown that needed a reservation).

Reservations are key unless you really like eating at odd hours (like lunch at 11:00 a.m. and dinnner after 10:00 p.m.)... this goes double for character meals and special features (e.g the Luau... if you want to go to the luau, book it as soon as you possibly can... we're talking MONTHS before you go).

Also, be aware that a 'reservation' isn't really a reservation... it's a priority seating booking. ; You may still have to wait when you get there, but generally A LOT less time than if you didn't have the booking (e.g. we made a reservation at Hollywood & Vine for the Fantasmic dinner special - dinner and special seating for the fireworks/laser/character show - we showed up and had a 15 minute wait... the guy who showed up right after us without a booking was told it would be a minimum 2 hour wait)
Find out the direction of the parade before choosing your waiting spot. Spots in the front of the parade will see the parade first and have a shorter waiting time, letting you get back to the rides sooner.
Find Free Things to Do – Although a visit to Orlando can certainly put a strain on any travel budget, the Walt Disney area does have many things to see and do that do not require a fee. All resorts on site are worth a visit, just to see the extensive theming and attention to detail – two favorites are Animal Kingdom Lodge and Wilderness Lodge. The popular Boardwalk resort at Walt Disney World is a perfect location for a nighttime stroll. The Grand Floridian Resort has a breathtaking lobby where you can sit and enjoy music after a long day of touring the parks. Downtown Disney is another great place to spend time.