This is interesting


There are more than 20,000 different colors of paint used in Walt Disney World.

According to Kodak, 4% of all amateur photographs worldwide are taken at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

Walt Disney, the visionary behind the entire Disney empire, attended only one year of high school.

In November 1990, in order to make room for Splash Mountain, the Walt Disney World Railroad's Frontierland train station was entirely demolished. Frontierland's new station, which was built as part of Splash Mountain, opened in December 1991.
(I didn't realize Splash Mountain was so new)

If you're looking for somewhere to throw your garbage in Tomorrowland, you may just find the moving and TALKING trash can! His name is PUSH
Much like PUSH, keep an eye out for IVY at the Animal Kingdom... this vine roams the park and can be hard to spot, but is quite a sight to see if you spot her.
"Treelo" said:
Much like PUSH, keep an eye out for IVY at the Animal Kingdom... this vine roams the park and can be hard to spot, but is quite a sight to see if you spot her.

We saw her on our trip in December. ; She is quite amazing, very graceful and colorful. ; To me she is one of the very best examples of Disney Magic in the parks. ; The kids that were around were hilarious, all were in awe of her but some were a little more adventurous than others. ; There were only a few that would let her get near them. ; So cute.
There's a planter with a 'palm tree' that operates much like PUSH at AK, too... we saw both the tree and PUSH this trip (and the guy operating them ;) ; ), but no sign of Ivy when we were wandering.