In 1871, BEFORE Yellowstone was created as the "worlds" first National Park, there was a geographical survey done by the Hayden Expedition.
The Expedition was funded by Congress ($40k in 1871 dollars, $754,666 in 2016) thanks in part to Senator Henry Dawes.
So they wanted to thank him during their trip - the funds helped build this boat, which was the first recorded boat to sail on Lake Yellowstone, and they christened the boat "Anna Dawes" after Henry Dawes' daughter.
So they took a picture of the boat to commemorate the event. But of course they didn't actually put a name plate on the boat....so the photographer apparently said "I got this"*, and scratched ANNIE on the negative so it shows up on prints.
Note that ANNIE is not reflecting in the water.
This picture is in the Library of Congress' archives and a copy is hanging in the General Store at Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
* translated into 2016 lingo