The MDP T-Shirts are here! Get yours today!


Staff member
The Magical Definition Podcast T-Shirts are now available! Please show your support for the MDP by proudly wearing one of these great shirts. Available in many sizes in gray/black or black/white, the shirt shows the Magical Definiton logo on the front breast and the famous phrase "I want my MDP" across the back in electric blue.

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Click on the color of your choice to be taken to the page where you can order yours...

Here is a sample of the t-shirt back (non-clickable).... THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT OF THE MDP!
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Anyone who is interested in the MDP t-shirts, they are no longer available. We apologize for this inconvenience.
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And why not? (not that it matters, but they are nice and cool on a hot Texas summer morning when you go dwagonfly werry quiet)
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issues with the supplier... we are investigating the option of getting a different printer. anyone know of folks who do silk-screening (NOT heat transfer) at a decent price?
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