The Infamous Gary Hat Picture... (be afraid)


Staff member
be very afraid!

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he is the proud owner... even scarier.
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That hat has Gary written all over it. I did not see it this year, must be in the Walt Disney Library
hat is here at home, intact, i just didn't feel like it would be sun shade weather, however the hat can make guest appearances at magicmeets and mousefest 09 if crowd response warrants a return
the only thing missing are the dreadlocks i had in 06, picture long gray dread, i and i be right
"gary" said:
hat is here at home, intact, i just didn't feel like it would be sun shade weather, however the hat can make guest appearances at magicmeets and mousefest 09 if crowd response warrants a return
the only thing missing are the dreadlocks i had in 06, picture long gray dread, i and i be right

I have a great idea! We should pick one of the meets next year and EVERYBODY must wear an "interesting" hat. Wouldnt that have been a sight at the Walk Around the World meet - all these people with cameras and weird hats. Not like there werent enough people looking at us already...definately would have gotten Randy's attention!
Love the hat Gary! I think seeing you wear that around the parks would would make Mousefest 09!
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