the day the birds took over


As was said about one of my earlier posts.. where's all the people?

This was a real scene, captured in the morning of December 14th, 2004. THIS is why I love Mousefest. Or rather the time Mousefest occurs during. The truth is I cropped the scene slightly, on the left edge that I cropped you can see two Haunted Mansion cast members, and a mom and a little girl apparently kneeling down to look at the birds. But basically there I was, in the Magic Kingdom, looking around and seeing almost no-one. Crowds? What crowds?

And then we have another shot, taken in the same minute as the first (I love the EXIF data, I know to the second when each shot was taken). I like to think that this fellow escaped from the Haunted Mansion and was just out for a little fresh air.

Forescasts suggest that some of the days I'll be there this December should be even less busy. I'm psyched. I am going to go crazy and see just how many rides it's humanly possible to go on in a day.
Or another way to look at it is that I'll be able to ride so much stuff in such a short amount of time that I"ll be able to take more time off to take pictures.

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I opened this thread expecting to see the lunatic sea gulls at EPCOT- they were dive-bombing unsuspecting people eating food there on Saturday. Then you go up a ways and see someone holding french fries up in the air for them to snatch away. :(
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