Testing Out My New 105mm f2.8 VR

My first lens with vibration reduction. Got it yesterday so I went out roaming for some interesting subjects. I can't wait to try this out at WDW.

All shots are handheld with available light.

Took it to the state fair which is in town. A few macros from the exhibit area

I love the DOF

Fast enough to stop the "Super-Himalaya" in late afternoon shade

A few from Ybor City after the fair...


One of me and lens...
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nice and sharp, gdad... congrats on your new arrival.
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Whoa whoa whoa whoa....

Nikon put VR on a macro lens?

Seems like someone is giving someone else a run for their money. That's one thing Canon hasn't done. L on a macro, yes, but no IS.
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Ha! I was just about to go on a rant :( about Nikon lenses- because the 18-200VR I want has been back-ordered for 6 months and what do you know- I walk into Best Buy for the 100th time and ask if they can check stock on them and the sales guy actually says "I can't believe it- we have 13 of them available" I bought it- and it ships in 3-5 business days. So I'm happy now- aside from I've been spending a lot on lenses lately...may be time to put a few things on ebay. ::)

"rlongenbach" said:
Whoa whoa whoa whoa....

Nikon put VR on a macro lens?

Seems like someone is giving someone else a run for their money. That's one thing Canon hasn't done. L on a macro, yes, but no IS.
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I saw this post earlier and on the spur of the moment called Best Buy here in Portland. They have some too! I was good though and said I'd call right back. I thought about it and then remembered the dental work I am having done on Friday with no insurance... bummer, no new lens for me right now. Gdad - I'll just have to live vicariously through you for awhile.
I've seen a couple other posts around saying backorders are being filled and/or they are available at some online outlets also. Maybe Nikon is finally getting their supply issues resolved, at least with this lens.
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