Stormy Sunset


I'm new to "serious" photography having just purchased a D40 last Christmas and I'm still on the learning curve. This was taken in 2004 the day after Hurricane Jeanne cleared out. It was taken with an Oly C4040 and is still my favorite image I've ever made....I wonder if the D40 would have made it better or if I would've screwed it up trying to get fancy <g>...

Perhaps - Is there something you don't like about the image? (have to ask to figure out how to help)

With the D40 it appears you can shoot a NEF image (Nikon RAW) - when it comes to salvaging photos that may have otherwise been ruined by over/under exposure, wrong white balance, etc...RAW is the way to go. Sure it takes an extra step to process the photos - but it is truly the digital "darkroom".
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dave, a mantra that HW (another member here) and I both share on these forums is "as long as you like it, then it's fine."

if it matters, i like it too. nice colors.
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it's your art, and only your art, no one can make it mean less to you without your consent, to paraphrase eleanor roosevelt from a long ago quote
yeah i'm ashamed at some of what i shoot, sometimes i look at something and go "doh" i could have made that sharper or done it different, sometimes it's just because i had the camera set for one thing and forgot to change settings, but if the subject suits me, if i like the colors, oversaturated as i like things at times, ok i like it, everyone else can live with it or look away
and by the way i really like the colors
very prett sunset. Nice colors and sillouhette of Italy. The sunsets in Epcot are beautiful when they look like this.