Started by a Mouse


I have Disney on the brain today so this seemed fitting. ; Anything that has to do with Disney touches my heart. ; I've been thinking for awhile about starting a blog, and due to my love affair with the 50mm, I just may use that as a springboard. ; Life at 50mm...or something to that effect. ; I'm still workin' it out. ; This seems like the perfect beginning shot...if I ever get it off the ground. ; What do you think? ;

ps..any tips about getting into the world of blogging would be greatly appreciated. ; Also, if you have a blog, would you mind posting a link to it here. ; I thought it would be nice to read some of them. ; Thanks! :)

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I love the picture, but I'd probably crop is some because the out-of-focus part of the pictures seems to overwhelm your item of interest
I'm sort of thinking of a chronical of my life from a 50mm lens. ; I love the different perspective it gives me and the way it forces me to look at things from so many different angles. ; I've been flat on the ground because of it. ; I've been cooking more because of it. lol I've pulled out the tripod and actually started using it. ; I've experimented with lights, with shadow, with black and white. ; Close distance, far distance. ; Low light and bright daylight. ; I'm finding that looking at my life through this little inexpensive lens has heightened my senses alot in the last two months. ; I almost never take it off anymore.

I know some of you don't like the distraction around my subject here...but it is quickly becoming my style. ; I like shiny and sparkly..and it is showing up in my photos quite a bit. :) ; I've already cropped this image some, and wouldn't want to remove what makes it uniquelly me. ; I sincerely appreciate the feedback though.

I'd still love any and all advice about blogging.
"hulagirl" said:
I'd still love any and all advice about blogging.

Read PW's post about her journey with Marlboro Man. ; Repeat.

She's got it - how to hook the reader without getting boring but then switch over to the traditional style of blogging.
Advice: is free if you have gmail which is also free to set up.

Try to keep each blog @ 100-350 words or you might sacrifice readers - America has a short attention span.
You might look up how to register your domain name so you own your own name:
Search other blogs, but IGNORE criticisms and make it your own.

Any other advice depends on if this is just going to be an online journal or if you intend to make it more like a webpage and want to advertise. Please let us know what you decide.
Thank you, prettypixie! ; Excellent advice and I did not know that about gmail and blogspot. ; Funny, most of the blogs I have liked so far, have been on blogspot. ; I'll investigate it as my main email address is with gmail.
Roger..sigh. ; The Pioneer Woman is my total blogging hero. :-* ; She is so darn cool, and nobody does it quite like she does, eh? ; It tickles me pink that you are a fan. ; I haven't read her romance in awhile. ; I should go back and do a repeat, like you suggested. ; Thank you.:)

It's a journey for me, for sure. ; This year has been the best in a long long time. ; I think I'm just itching to get it down on record somewhere. ; I appreciate what every one of you had to say.

Ray, I plan to take a look at your blog later too. ;) ; Very catchy name, and if I remember correctly, you had some very exciting things go on in your life in the last year.'re a good encourager. :star:
"hulagirl" said:
Roger..sigh. ; The Pioneer Woman is my total blogging hero. :-* ; She is so darn cool, and nobody does it quite like she does, eh? ; It tickles me pink that you are a fan. ; I haven't read her romance in awhile. ; I should go back and do a repeat, like you suggested. ; Thank you.:)

Page 89.[nb]Which now is going to totally make go to the store and get the stuff to make it![/nb]

Hey, I took care of DD and DS so DW could get her to sign it. ; And for our stop, everyone was there, Marlboro, the punks....heck I think more people[nb]Who am I kidding, *ladies*[/nb] asked for pics with him than with her.
I used to use Flickr as a quasi-blog but have backed off of that recently because I think it was off-putting for people who didn't care about my opinions and were just there to look at the pictures. ; Then again, I know I can tend to make divisive statements, so if everything you're going to be typing is fairly innocuous (or if you just don't care if the people there to simply view photos are put-off by any commentary), Flickr might be the right direction for a "50mm Blog."
Thanks, Tom. ; I did think about that, but so many of my family and friends find flickr a challenge and don't even bother going there.

I'm gonna give blogspot a try and see where it goes.