Spaceship Earth evacuation


Staff member
The week following Pixelmania I was back at WDW for the WDW Today Reunion. ; On Friday night a group of us were hanging around Epcot during EMH and decided to ride Spaceship Earth on the way out of the park.

Unfortunately, the system hung as were were in the Renaissance section. ; After 15 or so minutes, they announced that people would be coming around to let us out and they turned the lights on.

The evacuation route took us down a stairwell for six or seven flights of stairs, eventually down one of the sloping legs at the back and out a side door near Guest Relations. ; The stairwell was just like one in any other building, except for the occasional sign like "Caveman scene".

The quality of the photo is not that great, and I should have taken more, but at least we can see something most people (luckily) don't get to see: ; the cast member opening up the ride vehicles so guests can exit.
my son and i were evac's from test track. ; i took lots of pics. ; look for them sometime soon!
Thats interesting- the cm is all dressed all in black. ; I wonder how many like that we have all went by and not seen standing there in the dark.
In all of these years we've never been evacuated from any of the rides at WDW. I think I might be jealous!
I was evacuated off of Test Track during the WDW Today reunion... after sitting in the cold room for 15 minutes.
I've been evac'd from Haunted Mansion many years ago...but didn't bring cameras to Disney much back then, so no photos!

I have to say, I wouldn't mind being evac'd from a ride at Disney at all - would add a little spice and fun to the day...something not often seen!
"Tim" said:
ouch! ; better than the hot room i would imagine.

My friend was behind me in the hot room. They did turn off the lamps for him and the cold air for me, but they left the blowers on so it was loud and you still had air blowing on you.
Pretty cool. ; How was the WDW Today reunion? ; I kept seeing updates from all the guys on Facebook that made me really jealous.
Nancy and I were evac'd out of Splash Mountain. ; We actually had been stuck right at the top right before the drop for about 30 minutes. ; You don't realize how steep that climb is until you are stuck in one place, at the top, for that long. ; What I'm kicking myself about is not taking the 10 steps to the left so I could take a stationary shot of the entire park from the drop zone. ;

As we were leaving though the CM's were telling people to put their cameras away because the exits for Splash take you back stage
"WDWFigment" said:
How was the WDW Today reunion?

It was a lot of fun! ; Among my favorite memories are filling a Waffle House to capacity, being part of a group of adults riding Dumbo, Peter Pan's Flight, the Carrousel, the Tomorrowland Speedway and TTA in quick succession, and the Beverly chugging contest where Mike Scopa beat all comers by downing 16 cups of the foul-tasting stuff!

I have a bunch of pictures which I'm still sorting through. ; I'll eventually post some of them on my Flickr page.
What was the Epcot Thing record of Beverly? ; I know Nathan was going 25 for the Epcot birthday...and it got upped to 26 or 27...and I think I even remember he got beat by someone else that day!