The new camera has improved my dark ride hit rate, now that I can shoot pretty clean ISO6400 shots...I had the chance during Pixelmania to jump on Spaceship Earth before the rained out World Showcase meet and whipped out the Sigma 30mm F1.4 for some better shots of the ride scenes. ; These are straight from camera, shot in jpeg:
Best shots I've been able to get of the Roman soldier scene:
Love the lighting they set up for these scenes!:
First time EVER getting a shot of the sleeping monk!:
Could have gotten the focus a little better here, especially critical at those big apertures:
Left the noise grain alone - the texture is nice and fine and didn't bother me at all:
I really have to say lighting-wise, and backdrop wise, I love this ride, and love the enhancements from the makeover. ; The voice may not be quite as grand in the narration as before, but the scenes look fantastic.
Best shots I've been able to get of the Roman soldier scene:

Love the lighting they set up for these scenes!:

First time EVER getting a shot of the sleeping monk!:

Could have gotten the focus a little better here, especially critical at those big apertures:

Left the noise grain alone - the texture is nice and fine and didn't bother me at all:

I really have to say lighting-wise, and backdrop wise, I love this ride, and love the enhancements from the makeover. ; The voice may not be quite as grand in the narration as before, but the scenes look fantastic.