It's great to have one nice pic of this, instead of a few shots from different moments (like last time... ; :-\ ; ). ; It can be quite stressful too, because if something goes bad... that's it!!! (click pic for its Flickr page)
Very nice! As this was the last night Shuttle launch, I thought Gene Cernan's words were appropriate: "As I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come â€â€
Yep, pressure is on especially now with so few left in the program. ; Excellent work! I think TMIP had a man at the scene and looking forward to what he comes back with.
Awesome! I watched it on tv and ran outside, but couldnt see it from here (Fort Myers). We could see some smoke trails though when the sun started to rise
Very nice! I wish I had had a second body on a tripod for a long exposure shot, and for the trail afterward. Erich
I thought it was cool to see the rocket launch when we were at Pixelmania! ; I was sorry we didn't see it earlier, because I would have tried to get that long exposure, as we were just waiting for Illuminations to start. Erich, your gallery is AWESOME! ; The shuttle shots are brilliant!