Very nice. ; I've seen that once before, but never thought to try it. ; Result came out pretty decent!
I tried a passing snapshot of the 'lift' area of Space Mountain from the Peoplemover, but since I only had my kit lens (F3.5) I had to crank to ISO12800 to have any chance:
Was my first attempt also & I found it a bit challenging. Especially with the blue flashing lights. A bit hard to capture without too much noise. I passed it through Topaz Adjust to regain a bit of the flesh tones as much as possible.
That shot definitely looks better in the dark. ; I believe they had the lights on at Space Mountain last time I was on the TTA (or I wasnt paying attention and had my flash on).
Thanks guys. We discussed it to set up what we would do as soon as the ride vehicle makes that fist little drop into that tunnel. I actually snapped several shots & picked this one out. Some of them did not come out due to the frame being at the point when the lights were flashing off.
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