Space Mountain @ Night (Two versions)


; I shot this phot of Space Mountain from the pathway to (the NEW) Fantasyland & really like this shot.


Here, I ran it through PhotoTools 2.0 Pro (added Glow, Vignette & Warming). Which do you think is better?

In my opinion, Space Mountain pops a little more against the darker background of the second photo.

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Tough call - I agree with Red that it pops out a bit more, and I like the deeper contrast lines in the roof - but I don't quite like the dark 'halo' in the sky surrounding the mountain, which makes it look a wee bit too processed. ; Neither is bad, but I'd lean towards the original - maybe just processing it for a touch more contrast to get the roof definition back.
It never occurred to me to walk that path at night. Add that to my to do list. I prefer the first version, mainly because of the warming and vignetting. If it were me, I'd try to make the whites whiter (isn't that a commercial?) and the sky darker.

; Thanks for the input guys. I agree on the first one too as noted in my original comments, but I also agree with Red & Justin about the contrast of the second. I think I can accomplish the best of both by removing the warming effect but leaving the glow & bumping up the vignette effect. Will give that a try as soon as I get a chance.
; Would love to have seen this with one of the trains in front of it.