some new friends made during mousefest


while waiting on the line for alladin and jasmine's autograph's

great face paint jobs

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"gary" said:
while waiting on the line for alladin and jasmine's autograph's

great face paint jobs

I don't know how they get kids to sit still long enough for those paint jobs!

I once took a bus to MK for an E-night and met a family with a little girl of about 10 who had almost her whole face painted with a silver glittery mask pattern. It was a very good job and she loved how it looked on her. I had a nice conversation with her parents through the whole bus ride.

As luck would have it, I also wound up on the same return bus with that family. Sadly, the pain job had been washed off by Splash Mountain. Mom said, "That's okay, though, because now we won't have to fight with her to make her wash it off before bed time!"
My then-5-year old would have sat still for 2 hours to get the Clone Trooper face paint at Star Wars Weekend. He thought it was the coolest thing ever.
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