Some flowers from McKinney Falls SP


Staff member
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I loooove these. I thought the bird pictures were outstanding as well. Man, I have a long way to go. I better start parcticing more. The color of that bug against the vibrant yellow on the first one is awesome.
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Danirae, we all started at the same place - digital has made practice easier than shooting rolls and rolls of film, writing down the settings to remember them (I don't think any 35mm body ever printed shooting data on the negative like medium format did/does), getting them developed, and then viewing the slides (well, that's easier and more accurate than looking at prints from negatives since the negative --> print process can change the looks of the picture.)

Now you can view the pictures immediately and change your settings immediately. So yes, practice.

Insects however, don't like to stay in the same place.

Thank you BTW.
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