
you are MUCH braver than I, my friend... but i would LOVE some stills from the movie... hmmmmmmmm
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Brave in the sense that I actually rode Soarin' or that I took pictures. I didn't recall hearing anything about no photography of any kind
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"Tim" said:
brave with the camera...

I didn't realize it was allowed to take pictures on Soarin'. I only recall them telling people that photography of any kind being banned for MuppetVision 3D.
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Dude, there is this thing called a neck strap......

Not everyone has the kung fu grip like you and as we all know I've already had a bout of the dropsies

Are we pathetic or what. You are up at 2AM and I'm up at 1AM. Wives are out and we're partying like it's 1989!!
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ok my pictures are bad, but I want to take part. so here is how NOT to take soarin. You need a faster lens than f3.5 and/or iso 800 which is how these were shot. These were taken at Epcot.
Tim, do you really not use a strap?

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"Craig" said:
Tim, do you really not use a strap?

not very often... BUT, if i shoot Soarin' you're darn right I will have a neck strap on.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you posted pictures from my flickr album...haha. Here is a link to my album of Soarin' pictures. They look almost exactly like yours (I picked the only clear one to post to this forum)...:)

Ray's Flickr Album of Soarin'
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your pictures are better than mine. I cant wait to try my 50 1.8 on that ride though. I just hope 50 on a 1.6x crop isnt too close?
I think my zoom with f3.5 at 3200 iso will be too grainy for me too be able to fix.
That ride "moves" fast!
Well, if you look at the EXIF data on my Flickr page for those pics you'll see that I was using my zoom lens and was @ 28mm with f/3.5. I was on Shutter Priority mode and played around with the shutter speed. It's not perfect and who knows what I could've gotten with a faster lens.

I think the 50mm will probably have you pretty close. You really aren't that far from the screen in order to increase the immersion into the ride
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try shutter priority, 1/30 sec or 1/60 sec... check the iso if the pics look dark.
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I think the shots I took were around 1/10 sec and ISO 1600. I think they came out alright, just the curve of the screen makes it hard to avoid distortion
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