you Wish you were Here?


Staff member
A little glimpse of where I spent last week, for those of you in colder climes...whaddya think - do you wish you were here?





Water - clear to 50 feet, perfect glowing teal color. ; Sand - perfect fine-grain sugar free of any imperfections. ; Temperature - 88 degrees F. ; Water temperature - 84 degrees F. ; Light breeze - 5MPH westerly. ; Roughly 200 feet of beach completely to myself, not even walked upon that day...other than when the horses ambled by.

(location is Half Moon Cay, Bahamas...taken with my NEX-5N and 16mm F2.8 with .75x ECU1 UWA attachment).
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YES! ; I was in the Bahamas last week too, only for 2 days on a quick 3 day DCL trip. ; Weather in Nassau was like yours, but Castaway was horrible. ; 30 mph winds and rain started at 12:00. ; You know that it is not a good sign when the crew were handing out the $8 ponchos for free as you left the ship. Still had fun!

I always love the shots from the beach with the ship on the horizon!
I figured winter would be hitting some folks about how. ; I've heard of winter, in distant rumors and stories told by others, though not really sure what winter is actually like, being a Floridian!

Well I returned from that tropical paradise to...temperatures in the upper 80s, waters in the lower 80s, sandy beaches, water not QUITE that teal colored...but drifting rain showers practically every day since my return. ; So while South Florida isn't drastically different from the Bahamas...the water and sand is a little nicer there, the weather held beautifully free of rain, and there were a LOT less people crowding the beach!
Justin, you are so mean to tease us like this ; ;) ; :P

This morning I had to scrape the ice off of the bathroom mirror so I could fix my hair.

You are a mean, mean man.

Thank you, that is all.....

Ice in the bathroom? ; Wow...that sounds fun. ; On our very coldest day in the history of South Florida, we once had tiny snowflakes that never even made it to the ground before melting...that's the closest we've ever gotten to 'ice' down here, OUTSIDE! ; And that was in 1977!
geez Justin! I'm in Florida and I'm jealous!! ; :)

We had "ice" on the ground and roofs several years ago. My neighbor came over to tell me that isn't ice, its frost!

I remember the snow in the 70's over here too Justin, barely! I remember everyone was so excited!
Last December I was just north of Daytona on my way to WDW and had to run the car defrost for 10 minutes to get the "ice" off the windshield. ; I had put the scraper in the garage when packing the car thinking there was no way I would need THAT! ; Ooops.
Ah yes - Daytona...they do get a lot colder way up north there. ; ;) ; Even Orlando gets a good 20-30 degrees colder than we do down here in Boca...even the Everglades, Belle Glade, and over on Craig's side can get a little cooler than we do here - not only are we way down south and tropical, we're also right on the coast, and right where the warm gulf stream makes its closest pass with land, so just going 10 miles inland from me would drop the temps 10 degrees in the winter.
If I had the power, I'd swap with you for a weekend - let me see and enjoy upstate NY with a fresh blanket of snow, and you can come enjoy the beach and warmth.

I just want to beam back home before any snow shoveling or commuting in ice/snow is required.
