It's progressing... Slowly. ; The good news is all of the furniture that I have been putting together looks exactly like it does on the box. That is a good start.
WHAT!!! What is this??? There were rides (and possibly snacks) involved in this move?? When did you guys build the ride-on toy train? How could I have missed this? All I saw in the "yard" was some spotty baby grass and a termite infested play set.
Joanie, although you may feel shafted, I have on pretty good account that the train ride and snacks will be there the next time you come to visit. ; It was great seeing you and Evan.
Joanie, although you may feel shafted, I have on pretty good account that the train ride and snacks will be there the next time you come to visit. ; It was great seeing you and Evan.
Right back atcha! I feel a lot better knowing that at least you guys have a kitchen and Nintendo or what ever that cord you were looking for was for...
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