Smithsonian Castle (1999, 100VS 6x7 positive)


Staff member
Decided to scan all of my medium format stuff lately, so here's some from the first roll I got through (when you're getting 59MP files, well, you know how long that might take)

Here is the Smithsonian "Castle" (admin bldg). Kodak E100VS positive film. Boosted the sat in PSPXI.

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I love that building. We lived there for 2 years and that is one building I will always recognize.
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i will have to check this one out if i get down to d/c anytime soon. i would love to go to the smithsonian.
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"Tim" said:
i will have to check this one out if i get down to d/c anytime soon. i would love to go to the smithsonian.
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