Small World clock at twilight


Staff member

IASW in DL trumps it's WDW counterpart hands down[nb]along with a lot of the other rides that are in both locations[/nb]
exterior is beautiful, load and unload are outdoors, and the ride itself is just classic.
This was the original as it was designed for the World's Fair[nb]Before it fell under new management.[/nb] ; Now that they've returned it to the original white, it's back to the way it was supposed to be. ; The train goes through the front of the facade, and of course you load outdoors, and the ride goes indoors. ; It's the way it was supposed to be, not inside of a building. ; The first shot was from the queue, and the second was on the boat waiting to unload.

You can't get stuck now with the new boats. ; Evacing IASW 10 years ago was fun.