Sleeping Beauty's Castle


Staff member
From June 2005

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Beautiful shot, Tim.

These were taken on a grey, overcast morning:

thanks, ilene. we are planning on going back next year sometime in mid-late june. i am looking forward to it b/c i had a great time out there last year and really appreciated the nostalgia of being in the original park. i have tons of ideas of photos that i want to get so once that happens, look out...gonna really bomb out the website with DL pics. but, until then, no can do.
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Very nice, Tim & ilene. It sure has a different "feel" than the Florida castle. Here are my 2 views, from the other side...


I've always preferred this angle tho:

<img src="" />

But as of this spring most of the castle is obscured from that shot.

Or you have 1 princess, 1 handler and 150 people in line for an autograph in the shot.
Yes, I think that is why I like the angle.

And I had to wait for:

45th Anniv banner to go down

And this was before the 50th anniv banner went up.


At least it wasn't a cake for a year.

But I miss going INTO the castle. :(
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