SICK over this

Discussion in 'Misc. Posting Board' started by lightslicer, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. lightslicer

    lightslicer Member

    Went to play back a video shot with my CanonSX40- there is pixelation and distortion. Shot some more on another memory card- class 10 still same issue. This camera shoots in 1080- until now- there were no problems....and this is the first chance I have had to playback the stuff shot at Thanksgiving... ; :(
    I am so afraid this camera will totally go out on me while in WDW......
    I need all the BEST BUY needs to step up big time on this one......prayers....
    I may be sleepless in GA until then....

    Hope things are going way better for those of you there already!!!

  2. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Can you describe the issue more? ; Is it a compression issue?
  3. lightslicer

    lightslicer Member

    Re: SICK over this-updated-healed

    thanks for your response- it is NOT the camera- can stop making my self sick now...It appears this is sometimes an issue with playing it back. I spent a while googling- and played it back within the camera- just fine- hunted up the manual for the camera- and it addressed some things- went in to zoombrowser and viewed it ok within that environment- while I know that I need to figure out more about and around this--for now- I am just happy to know its not the camera- its just the operators ability to figure out how and where to view it. What is so weird is I have viewed them prior to this both on my laptop and pc with out any problem---no worries at least for now...will worry over that later--- as they say--- Am ready to SHOOT ON!!!I was so excited to have picked up the manfrotto compact tripod today with the hybrid head---then it was feeling like a bad dream...Its all good now... Thanks again- will figure out what I need to learn soon about this- but right now my head is fixing to splode..and I may be able to sleep ; Again thanks for checking in- okay- I will be the one with the dunce cap in the corner on Sunday night at the Osbourne Lights.

  4. fotodave

    fotodave Member

    Okay then, no worries....

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