Shuttle launch over Epcot

Saturday's night lauch of Space Shuttle Discovery

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That is so cool! I wish I would have remembered that that was going on while I was there! :-\
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hey byron... nice meeting you at mousefest.

that looks like a 183 second exposure :) awesome shot, i was too busy fighting my way along the crowd to get any pics.
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Great shot Byron.

Wish I was set up and ready for the launch. Like Tim, I was not ready when the launch arrived...though I quickly threw down my tripod and mounted the camera as I saw the first orange glow in the clouds. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to set the proper aperture and just took a series of 10-second exposures which ended up being severely overexposed (I underestimated the brightness of a shuttle launch from Orlando!! I watch them from my backyard down in Boca Raton, but it is 1/4 the size and brightness!).

Nice to have seen it over the Epcot lake too!
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"Tim" said:
hey byron... nice meeting you at mousefest.

that looks like a 183 second exposure :) awesome shot, i was too busy fighting my way along the crowd to get any pics.
Ya we were, all I remember a women yelling and the sky turning orange. Where was the shuttle going again Tim..And who the hell yelled KaBoom!ha.....oops.
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"MickeyWill" said:
Ya we were, all I remember a women yelling and the sky turning orange. Where was the shuttle going again Tim..And who the hell yelled KaBoom!ha.....oops.
i think that someone said the shuttle was going to one of the distant planets in the solar system :)
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Here's all I could get:


Unfortunately the lights are blown out as I had too much aperture, and there's a bit of blur since I ran with tripod in hand to grab the shot just as it was breaking over the treetops, and pressed the shutter manually. But at least I got something of the launch!

I wish I had set up as nicely as the O.P. did...and caught the whole launch.
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Wow, both of these pictures are breathtaking! I've always been in awe of how flying to space is even possible. The first time I visited Kennedy Space Center I wanted to be an astronaut. Though just a dream now, it's still amazing to me :)
Wow! That's very cool!
We had just arrived in WDW and were walking toward the Boardwalk for dinner at Flying Fish. Since we had spent most of the day traveling, we didn't realize the shuttle was scheduled to launch that night (last I had heard was that it had been postponed). We saw a group of people ahead of us staring up and pointing to the sky and wondered what was going on ... until we looked up and realized what it was. That was definitely one of the highlights of our trip!