Show Me: Flower & Garden Fest!

I took about 350 shots there today- but I probably burned 100 on the ladybugs alone with maybe 5-6 keepers. Here's a couple of mine- I'd love to see yours.


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Love them both. I love to share mine. Let's see.

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very nice, jeff. you get an at-a-boy!
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outstanding, joe. beautiful colors.
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jumping to my feet to lead the standing ovation
some of the nicest butterfly & flower work i've ever seen,bravo
Very nice, all around.

It's funny.. I keep wanting to say that the butterflys are over sharpened. But I think that's just THEM.. tell me someone else is seeing this, it's the border between the narrow white streaks and the orange patches, it looks like you can see over sharpening artifacts.

Let me be clear.. I'm not saying they're oversharpened, I've looked closely at them and I think it's just that their coloration seems to give that impression. It's just that I've never seen that happen before.
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"Dan" said:
Very nice, all around.

It's funny.. I keep wanting to say that the butterflys are over sharpened. But I think that's just THEM.. tell me someone else is seeing this, it's the border between the narrow white streaks and the orange patches, it looks like you can see over sharpening artifacts.

Let me be clear.. I'm not saying they're oversharpened, I've looked closely at them and I think it's just that their coloration seems to give that impression. It's just that I've never seen that happen before.
that are
"Dan" said:
Very nice, all around.

It's funny.. I keep wanting to say that the butterflys are over sharpened. But I think that's just THEM.. tell me someone else is seeing this, it's the border between the narrow white streaks and the orange patches, it looks like you can see over sharpening artifacts.

Let me be clear.. I'm not saying they're oversharpened, I've looked closely at them and I think it's just that their coloration seems to give that impression. It's just that I've never seen that happen before.

I think its just how that area appears, heres a closer crop of the same photo, near 100%
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Wow.. so much detail.. I've got to try some macro photography this summer, I love all this stuff.
Anyway, I can understand a bit more about how I was getting that impression of over sharpening. I generally realize I've sharpened a picture too much when I start seeing to many pure white highlights appearing when doing before and after comparisons. But here the butterfly has similar patterns in its coloration.
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beautiful photos!...jeff, guessing that is your 105mm but for the lady bugs is that cropped of something or can you get that close with that ? really fantastic! joedisney, may i ask what lens you used for those? really nice work
Jeff & Joe, all of those shots are amazing! Very well done! I was hoping to get to the F&G show this year, but it's not looking like it's gonna happen. Thanks for sharing. Would love to see more if you have them! :)
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"jann1033" said:
beautiful photos!...jeff, guessing that is your 105mm but for the lady bugs is that cropped of something or can you get that close with that ? really fantastic! joedisney, may i ask what lens you used for those? really nice work

Thanks jann, I shot these with my Canon 100mm macro, very similar to jeff's Nikon 105mm Macro.
Two more from 05 ,
