Shooting Fantasmic

Shooting Fantasmic well has always been difficult. It is something I have put a lot of effort into because of how much I love the show, but the dark, crowds, and distance make it very tough to shoot. I have lots of experience shooting theater so I brought my incredible 50mm f 1.4 to the park just to shoot fantasmic.
F! is my favorite show, period. ; I've taken over 1000 film images of it since 1998 when I first saw it and I've lost count of my digital shots! ; (But do the math on the film, I would shoot on average three rolls per show, even figured out the best times for the film change including rewind time)


300/2.8 non-IS, on film from June 2000.


70-200/2.8 IS, digital APS-C crop (30D), June 2007.

Missed going back this summer, but then again, I'm still partial to the original dragon.


50/1.4, APS-C crop - the D30 in it's 3.1mp glory, June 2002.