SALE: has 16x20 Prints for $4.99


Member is having a sale on 16x20 prints for only $4.99 each (plus shipping). ; I got my order of 4 prints in last night and they are great. ; I selected the Lustre finish (no extra charge). I'll be using them as part of my home Christmas decorations this year. ;

I'll be putting them up this weekend and will add a photo of how they look.

They have 8x10 for $0.99, 11x14 for $1.99 prints, too.

This sale ends on November 28, 2009!
I know photos of photos that are behind glass do not make for good photos but this is how they looked like once I put up the Ikea photo shelf today.


Another angle
"Paul" said:
That is a nice setup Scott, need to get some of those shelves.

This one is 72 inches in length. ; They had a couple of shorter ones which you could arrange. ; If you have an Ikea store near you, they used these shelves in a lot of their room displays.

What I didn't do here but, will in the future, is just get the photos mounted as they really don't need a frame with these shelves.
"Scottwdw" said:
just get the photos mounted as they really don't need a frame with these shelves

That sounds like a great idea. ; You can change the photos out periodically and not spend hundreds of dollars on quality framing.
nice setup Scott!
Looks good.
thats what I do, have them mounted and hang them with t-pins or 3m hooks. one of the sizes of 3m hooks fits perfectly on foamboard
I might need to jump on that - I haven't made any prints larger than 8x10 in months, and I've shot a lot lately between trips and wetlands and Disney, and the new cam. ; I need to browse through and find some shots that look good for printing and give it a go.

Thanks for the mention!