Ryan Christopher - 1st Pics!

These are great Tim! Congratulations to you and your family. I like the first one a lot of mommy and her two boys.
Awesome pics!! ; Two boys are truely a blessing given by God. ; Be prepared, they get a little wild sometimes. ; Congratulations again.
Congratulations Tim. Thanks for sharing this Special Moment with us. Billy looks Very Happy about having a new baby brother.
Thanks for sharing the pics!

Billy looks so happy but that one picture of him alone with Ryan on his lap he seems to have a look of worry on his face like he's going to drop his little bro.

I cannot wait to meet my new "nephew".
too cute, and at least you showed us a cleaned up newborn, first one i ever saw was only about 30 seconds old and they can be a little shall we say interesting, to see
Congrats Tim! ; ; Hope you get some sleep soon, I remember those days with a newborn in the house :) ; LOL

So, at what age will Ryan have his first camera?

Awesome...Congratulations. ; I wish I was shooting a dslr (or slr) when my kids were born. ; That was in between during the early digital P&S days. ; :-[
That is the cutest and sweetest set of photos EVER! Billy and Ryan are the most adorable little fellas!

...Hot Amanda...need a little explain-es-vous here...:)