Royal Street Veranda/Bengal Barbecue Pix

Hey all!
I'm new to the boards but not to the community. I have a blog that I just started about Disney theme parks and entertainment called Disney's Folly. Unfortunately, I don't have good photos of everything I'd like to feature. (Hey, who knew when I went to Disneyland in 2006 that I'd eventually want to write about their gumbo and skewer stands?!)

So I just wanted to see if anyone out there has any good photos of the Royal Street Veranda and Bengal Barbecue, including full view shots, signage or food shots. I would of course fully credit the photographer(s) in the feature.

Jay at Disney's Folly (
Welcome to the forums!

There aren't that many DL people here; I don't recall taking pics of either of those two, but I'll look through my archives to see.