Roy E. Disney dies at age 79


Staff member
Sad news out of California as Roy E. Disney, son of Roy O. and nephew of Walt, has died today at age 79 after a length bout with cancer. ; I had the chance to meet Mr. Disney and get his autograph a few years ago and it was a pleasure to do so. ; He will be missed.

Ironically, Walt died on 12/15, Roy E. on 12/16, Lillian on 12/17, and Roy O. on 12/20.

Wow. ; This is really a sad day for fans of the company. ; From bringing Wells and Eisner on board in the mid-80s to the "Save Disney" campaign, he has had a huge involvement on the evolution of the company. ;

I think so much of his impact and appeal is based upon...well, look at the pictures. ; He's probably the last member of the family to bear such a striking resemblance to Walt.

My thoughts go out to his family.
Indeed...he was a bit of a giant-killer as a board member - taking out Miller to bring in Eisner and Wells, and helping take down Eisner too.

Sad to have another Disney name fade into history...but his legacy will leave its impact.

"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Wow- very bad. ; December is not a good month for the Disney family.

True....this December as well. ; There is other news that isn't worth repeating here.
Sad news indeed; ; :( ;

I take it he was the last Disney that played any type of role within the company?

I wonder if any type of tribute to him will be placed in the park?