Refillable Mugs - Good Idea?


I have been reading about the refillable mugs. ; I am just wondering if they are a good deal or not? ; Is it hard to find a place to refill them? ; And I know that includes pop and juice, but can you also refill with good water somewhere?
We didn't see it as worth while for us. ; They don't seem to be universally refillable, so unless you plan on spending a lot of time where you buy them (at the resort or a particular park), they don't seem worth it.

Of course, we may have been mis-informed about where you can refill them... when we asked at Mara (AK Lodge) the girl on the cash desk said they were only good at AK Lodge.

But you could probably bring them to the parks and fill them at water fountains...
Stayed at Pop Century in Jan and got the refillable mugs for my 3 kids. ; They used them in the morning, in the afternoon to have a drink at the pools and at night to grab a drink before bed. ; I think they are worth it. ; They are great souveniers and my kids use them at home. ; We will be going back to disney in Sept. (Driving Down) Staying at Pop again so I am taking them with me so that they can use them again when were there. ; IMO I would say that they are worth it.
I really do think it would have been a good idea, but by the time we decided that a refillable mug would be great our trip was half over. ; We did most of our eating at the food court of the hotel so it would have been easy to get refills and take them back to our room. ; Next time I think we might get the refillable mugs.
We got the mugs when we were at POR last year. ; You have to drink a lot of pop, juice and coffee to make them cost effective, but then you can add in the souvinier factor.

Sadly, it is true that you can only refill your mugs at the resort where you get them... and (theoretically) only during the time you stay there for that trip. ; You are not supposed to bring them back the next time. ; That being said... ; they don't seem to change the design... ; soooooooo..... ; ;)
Gotta love those mugs.

We stayed at the Beach Club Villas in Early October, 2007.

Dinsey has change their refillable mug policy, at least that what the CM who sold me the mug told me.

Now you can buy a mug and use it at any resort. No idea how if you are allowed to use it in the parks or water parks.

The mugs are no longer themed to each resort.They have "2007" on the mugs. So I guess I can use my mug for a little less than 2 more mugs.

Suprise I have a few images to show.

We use the mugs, worth it even if you just want coffee every morning (rather than making your own).

Not sure if I should let the cat out of the bag............BUT!!!! ; We put a drink into ours (like Smirnoff Ice) and a straw and take it onto the bus with us to go to the park etc. ; (Not early in the morning for those of you wondering, although it is 12:00 somewhere) ; :P
"mini-canadian" said:
We use the mugs, worth it even if you just want coffee every morning (rather than making your own).

Not sure if I should let the cat out of the bag............BUT!!!! ; We put a drink into ours (like Smirnoff Ice) and a straw and take it onto the bus with us to go to the park etc. ; (Not early in the morning for those of you wondering, although it is 12:00 somewhere) ; :P

As long as your not driving the bus, enjoy.

the mugs were a great investment for our family. At the AS movies, AS music, POP Century and POR we would buy 2 mugs for the 4 of us to share. This way we could have coffee in the am, pop at lunch and dinner and we'd just rinse them and throw them in our backpack before heading to the parks. It saved us a lot of money!